It's been a quick five days here in Jeonju. I've been a little stuffy and had a sore throat so I didn't do as many fun things as I wanted, but it was still a good time. This orientation flew by and wasn't near as brutal as the last one. We had a lot more free time and a lot less strenuous lectures. Today we took a field trip to a famous traditional Hanok Village in Jeonju. It was really neat! These are the houses you think of when you think Asia, I'm sure. They're beautiful and I was really excited to go walk around in the village. There were a lot of little shops and street food vendors to look at, which I'm always down for!
Outside the tea shop |
When we first arrived at the Hanok Village, we went to a pottery shop and made our own clay pottery! That was fun and something I had never done before.
Emilee and her coffee cup! |
Makin' pottery! |
After pottery, we went to a traditional hanok house and had a traditional Korean meal made up of all kinds of different sides, soup and rice. I'm still trying to get used to that type of food. I get a little bit more brave every time...but I'm still a big ole' wimp when it comes to most of it. After the meal we went to a tea shop and made herb scent bags and had a foot massage bath! Heaven!
Lizzie, Jonathan and Virginia at our traditional lunch! |
Sides..sides..sides...sides...sides...and more sides! |
Ehhh...some little tiny tiny tiny shrimp things...that still have eyes. No thanks! |
Sides..sides..sides! |
Scented bag of herbs |

After all that pampering, we had free time for a few hours and we walked around and had some delicious ice cream. I also tried popular Korean treat and it was great! I didn't know what it was before I bought it, but I saw so many people walking around with it so I knew it had to be good. Turns out, it basically tastes like a thin-peanutless-peanut brittle! It was so good! You also get to pick the shape you want in the middle of your candy (I chose a star) and the game is to try and break off the whole outside without breaking the star. Mine broke before I had the chance to try, so I just devoured it. Emilee tried the world's greatest invention I mentioned last blog....CHICKEN SODA! That's right people, Emilee Delk tried chicken soda! She's so cool! And if you're wondering, it really is as great as it sounds. Dibs on patenting the idea when I get back to America. I'm going to be famous!
Chicken Soda!!!!! |
Delicious peanut brittle star thing! So good! |
After all that nonsense, we came back to the dorm, had dinner, talked with our TaLK coordinator for a while, and finished packing. I'm about to head to bed for my last nights sleep in a dorm room, thank goodness! I'm so ready to not be living out of suitcases and bags anymore! Tomorrow I meet my mentor teacher and get to move into my new apartment! I am so excited, I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep tonight!!! The following pictures don't really have anything to do with this post, I just felt like they were worthy of my blog. haha Enjoy and Happy Tuesday, America!
We accidentally ran upon this little romantic garden thing! |
Traditional Hanok houses! It would be better if there weren't cars in the picture! haha |
Pretty house I found! |
That's and chicken! We caved, yet again! |
Foot spa time! |
Kiyana and Laura foot spa-ing it up! |
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