This weekend was another relaxing one in Gunsan. We stayed in town again because we are traveling next weekend to another festival. Nothing exceptional happened Friday night, but Saturday we got pedicures! Not just any pedicures either, Dr. Fish pedicures. I don't like describing it because it sounds gross, but it's the one where the fish eat the dead skin off your feet. (Yuck!) Well, with the miles and miles I walk daily, I was in need of something, so we gave the Foot Spa a shot. Emilee's co-teacher wrote down what we should say to the foot spa people when we got there so we would get the $35 package with the Dr. Fish. We walked in and were immediately greeted by the staff and an empty spa! Score! Instead of reading the paper, we took the easier route and just handed it over. After a minute of confused looks and a quick game of 'Pass the Paper Until One of Us Figure Out What These Girls Want', one of them figured it out and we were off to the fish...or so we thought! They sat us in these individual little foot bath things with hot water and some kind of pink stuff.
After a few minutes of that, someone came and took us to the fish part. We put our feet in the pool and the fish immediately attacked. haha We were laughing so much, it was the strangest thing. We also had the staff take pictures of us, then one of the ladies brought her phone to us and asked to take a picture with us. So cute! haha We thought we would sit in that pool for about 40 minutes and be done, since Emilee's co-teacher said it would be $35 for 45 minutes. Well, jokes on us. After we were in the fish pool for a few minutes, everyone came and got us again and led us to these really dark, quiet rooms. Virginia and I were in a room together, and kept giving each other the 'What is going on?!' look. haha it was hilarious. So these two ladies come into the room and close the door and begin a leg and foot massage. It was so awesome, and such a surprise! haha We had no idea that was included! I've never had a massage before, so that was pretty cool that it just accidentally happened. lol After the massage, our time was up and we left, but it was a really fun place and we can't wait to go back!
This is where the Dr. Fish live. |
Little tiny fish! |
For lunch, we tried Retro Kitchen. I'm a sucker for places that look like this in OKC, so finding one here made me really happy! If it were in the City, it would definitely be part of the Keep It Local restaurants. It was so cool and artsy inside. Next time I'll get some pictures! When you see what I had for lunch, you'll see why I was distracted! Take a look at this bad boy. Triple cheese cheeseburger!
Now that I look at the picture, it looks messy and gross, but it wasn't! It was delicious! |
I had the biggest burger! It was so good and I was in heaven! I definitely found of of my new favorite places in Gunsan!
On Sunday, I went to church with my co-teacher again and went and saw the cherry blossom trees at Eunpa Lake. It was SO crowded, but the trees were so pretty. We didn't get out and walk so my pictures were all taken through a car window, so I apologize for the quality, but I'll post them anyways!
Let me preface this next section by saying that I am in no way making fun of Korean people and their English abilities. I actually applaude and appreciate the effort, but being a native English speaker, I found these next things funny.
I've seen a lot of funny things here in Korea. Signs and shirts are among the top ones. It's very popular to have English writing on your shirts. I'm not sure why, but it's the cool thing to do, so there is an abundance of random English word shirts basically anywhere you look. A lot of them are just plain shirts with one big English word across the front. For example, I've seen some sweatshirts that just say "Snickers" across the front. haha So
random cool! So the following is a short list of shirts I saw
yesterday. Yes, this was just yesterday. haha I'm not very sneaky with my new phone camera because there is no way to take off the sound when I take the picture, so I could only get one picture, but I remembered the words for you. Enjoy!
"Tell the Jurors it was the murder" hahahhaha WHAT! Who makes these shirts?! This shirt was on one of the sweet little high school girls
at my church! What the world! Luckily, no one at church can read English except me, my co-teacher and her sister. lol
"Ann Arbor is a Whore" The 'W' being much bolder and bigger than the rest, and actually being an upside M. lol This was on a sweatshirt of a college boy. haha What is that even supposed to mean?!
I was walking down the street and I passed a woman with a big blue sweatshirt on. In big, bold, fluorescent orange letters across the front it said "DUMB". I'm talking chest to belly button and arm to arm. haha Represent, girl!
I'm just kidding. I'm sure she wasn't dumb at all, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to use an Antoine Dodson Gif, ya know?
And then this bad boy...
"Mexican May Me Rachel...Moustache?" This is real life, people. |
This is the only one I could get a picture of because it was hanging up in the store and I didn't have to try to creepily take a picture of someone walking down the street. I'll have to start carrying around my iPhone again just for it's ability to take pictures silently so I can show you guys these wonderful creations. There are also several shirts that I've seen with the F word just randomly thrown on it. What in the world?!
Okay, enough about tshirts for now! Today, I almost had two students fight and it was the funniest thing. The fighting itself wasn't funny, but the way it happened was yet another cultural difference I've seen. Let me paint the scene for you. It's 3rd/4th grade time to go, and one 5th/6th grade boy is in the hallway waiting. I always make them line up at the door and tell me one thing they learned that day before they can go. After they leave, I always go back to my desk and prepare everything for the next class. Today, as I'm walking away, some of my girls in the hall start yelling 'Fighting!!! Fighting!!', so I got back out there to see one of my 3/4 grade boys and one of my 5/6 grade boys standing about 10 inches apart from each other whispering at each other and the girls watching from a distance. Koreans don't fight much, at all. No drunken bar fights, no kids at school fights, none of it. In fact, apparently there was a fight at school (I know, I just said this doesn't happen, but it's
very rare.) a couple of weeks ago before I got there and they called the cops. That's how rare fighting is.. I guess teachers don't know how to handle it or something? I'm not sure. haha Anyways, so I'm watching and trying to figure out who it is that's fighting because there is no noise or touching or anything. After a second of observing, the girls point to the two boys and I go stand in between them. When Koreans fight, they whisper at each other really closely....? haha So strange! Maybe it's the intimidation factor? I have no clue! So I'm standing there and they continue staring at each other and whispering Korean things. Finally I ask the 5/6 boy if he is coming to English today and he says yes, and so I tell him to get in the room. The other one storms off. haha So weird! So I asked my girls what they were saying and they said, "Oh, teacher, very very bad words." haha I also asked one more time, just to confirm, "Those two boys were about to fight each other?" and they all responded yes, so then I said, American boys fight like this, and then screamed and jumped around a lot. Then I said Korean boys fight like this, and stood really still and whispered at them. haha It was so funny! They didn't believe me and just laughed and laughed.
Speaking of cussing in Korean, some of my students tell me that other ones are cussing sometimes, but obviously I don't know because I hardly have the vocabulary to get myself to the mart in a taxi. So today, we're drawing and sometimes my students like to quiz me or say a Korean word and then make me spell it, only to laugh at my awful Korean, so I don't think anything of it. One of my students says, "Teacher, read." So, being a good Korean student I am, when my tiny Korean teachers tell me to read, I read. As soon as I do, all of my kids gasp and start cracking up. Immediately I knew something bad had happened. So, I innocently asked what I just said, and again, my sweet, angelic girls said, "Teacher, no!! Bad word!!!" So not only did I punch a student last week, I cussed at my whole 5/6 grade class. hahaha If I didn't already have the Teacher of the Year Award in the bad, I sealed the deal today with that little number. No more learning Korean from those boys!
Okay, my last funny for the day, then it's off to dance class at the gym. Last week, two of my friends got haircuts. That doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but haircuts have been the topic of the hour since we signed up for this thing. How are we supposed to get a haircut from a hairstylist who doesn't speak our language? Well, my friends took pictures and a Korean with them to help translate and it actually turned out really well for them. After seeing their cute hair, I was inspired and wanted a haircut too. This is where things get good. I have really been needing one, but my co-teacher is really busy so I don't want to bother her with it, so I decided that I'd be okay with just cutting my bangs. I used to cut my bangs all the time in high school and college, and it always turned out okay. Well, obviously after today's results, I can tell that I'm clearly out of practice and no longer good at cutting my own bangs. haha the good news is, it's just hair and it'll grow back. The bad news is, I look similar to this....
hahaha just kidding, I don't. But my bangs do look extra awful. You know how tiny kids go through that stage where they cut their own hair and the mess it up so bad, there's no fixing it? Yeah, I went through that stage this 22 years old. hahaha
This also might be my karma for taking this picture yesterday...
I saw this. "Duck Hair Shop" and for some reason the first thing that popped into my head was this:
Picturing that duck when I saw that shop made me laugh so much. Little did I know, about 12 hours later, I would chop up my bangs so bad I can't wear them down for the next two months, but their too short to stay pinned back without half a bottle of megahold hairspray.
Okay, that's all for today. Happy Monday, America. Have a great week!