Last Friday I finally had queso after two and a half long months without it. (Yes, this is a story about queso. hahaha I told you my life wasn't very fun the last few days.) If you know me at all, you know queso is one of my favorite things possibly ever. Well my sweet, sweet grandma sent me some Velveta and Rotel and me and some of the girls had a wine and queso party on Friday night. It was really fun...and delicious! Unfortunately, it was gone within
Moving on to something slightly more entertaining, prepare yourself for the gym saga....
I joined a gym on Thursday with Laura and my new friend Lindsey. Thursday went well, a slow workout to get me warmed back up. Friday, on the other hand, was killer and I thought I was going to die. haha It was good though. I needed that, but this is where things got tricky. It takes me about 25 minutes to walk from the gym back home, so as I'm walking back up to my front door of my apartment I start to dig for my card that lets me into my building. I can only get into my building with this card, or on the very slim chance that someone is leaving at the same time I'm entering (With that being said, I'm almost convinced I'm the only person that lives in this whole building because I never see anyone else. Just me and the screaming, crying baby next door...who I'm convinced doesn't have parents because of the amount of screaming and crying he does daily. Poor guy.) Anyways, so I'm rushing back from the gym to shower and get ready for school, when suddenly I realize....I don't have my card. Right then I remembered it was sitting on my desk right next to my computer. I grabbed it before I left, walked to my computer to check my Facebook, and then walked out the door without the stupid card!!! AH! What do I do now, you ask? Well, crying was about the only thing I could think about doing, but somehow I managed not to. I just kept thinking about how sweaty and nasty I was in my sweats and Uggs, all my school stuff was inside my house, and I had no way of getting in and fixing any of those things. In Korea, appearance is a HUGE deal, so rolling up to school looking (and feeling) like I just ran to school all the way from America would not have been okay. So I take a second to collect myself and then ding! a lightbulb came on and I messaged my co-teacher asking her what to do. She said she would call my Mentor Teacher and ask her for the landlords phone number. This is where things get good...
Okay, let me start this part of the story by saying I'm about 99.9% sure my landlord is a tiny Korean Angel sent from Heaven to take care of me while I'm here. I don't know where he lives, don't have his phone number, and never, ever see him. But when I need him, he appears out of no where, just like a little angel. So here I am, panicking about this whole situation, when I turn around and POOF! there he is. My personal Korean Angel is standing there. I almost burst in to tears.
Back story on the landlord/angel. He is pretty old and speaks exactly zero English. When my internet wasn't working one time, I didn't know how to get ahold of him so I could get it fixed. Something made me think it was a good idea to go out into the hallway of my apartment and look for my landlord, whom I hadn't seen since day one of moving in. Well what do you know, that little guy is standing in the hallway on the 2nd floor. Just standing there, doing absolutely nothing. Again, like God told him I needed help and so he just waited for me to come find him. So great!
So when I see him this time I'm ecstatic! I start my game of charades to tell him I have no card to get in. Luckily, I'm the only white girl for miles, so it's not like he's questioning who I am. Instead, he does a quick little laugh and points at a piece of paper really far away and says, "Pone." (That's how Koreans say "Phone"...they don't get the 'f' sound very well.) Anyways, so he tells me that's his phone number and I'm assuming he's suggesting I should have called him. Well, we don't speak the same language, at all, so I'm not sure how that would have went, but at least I know where to find his phone number now. haha So he runs and gets a card and lets me in. As soon as I get into the building, I get a message back from my co-teacher saying sorry my MT didn't answer the phone, so she will try to call back later. So that means that my landlord had never gotten a call saying I was locked out, he just randomly showed up exactly when I needed him to. Perfect timing, yet again!
Okay, back to the gym. I'm really glad I joined. It's an all women's gym so that's pretty cool and there are fitness classes, so I'm excited about that. How excited am I? Well, I went to the gym twice today, which is more times than I've been in the last four years combined, so that's saying something. haha I am also so sore I can barely move, which you'd probably imagine would be true after sitting out for so long. I'm back in the game though, and have a goal of eventually doing a 5K, even though I hate running, and still don't really run at the gym. We'll see how that one goes.
I received my first Korean bill today. Not sure what it's for, since it's all in Korean, but it's only $8.24, so I don't even care what it's for! haha I've heard bills are pretty cheap here, so I was very happy to see an $8 one in my mailbox this morning. Now, if I could only figure out how to pay it. lol I'm sure that'll be a topic for another blog post.
In American news, I missed my sister's first prom, so I was pretty upset about that, but she looked beautiful..see for yourself!
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So pretty! I'm so sad I couldn't be there! |
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This is the cutest picture I've ever seen!! |
Thanks for reading. I promise to do something fun this weekend and get some good stories. haha
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